My short story “Clean-up on Aisle Two” appears in The Quality of Leadership, a Doctor Who: Short Trips anthology.
King Loran of Zalezna is dead, the victim of an attempted coup. However, with the help of the Eighth Doctor, Loran’s son and heir, Mihal, is able to stop the rebels and claim the throne. Now Mihal faces the prospect of ruling before he’s ready. By way of helping Mihal prepare for his new role, the Doctor tells him of the many leaders he’s met over the course of his lives…
Join the Doctor as he regales Prince Mihal with stories from throughout time and space.
There are tales of the Roman Empire, from Emperor Theodoric to rebels Spartacus and Calpurnia to Rome’s enemy Queen Boudica.
There’s King Arthur and Plato as they’ve never been seen before, Martin Luther and King Henry VIII in the midst of rewriting Europe’s religious landscape and an unexpected side of William Wallace.
The Doctor also travels to such exotic worlds as Rishik and Mitidiki, and arrives at a deceptively mundane department store.
Leadership comes in many forms. Some are unexpected, some are less pleasant than you’d think and some aren’t quite what history would later paint them to be.
My contribution to this collection is a story called “Clean-up on Aisle Two“, featuring the 7th Doctor.
My piece joins brand-new stories from writers John S. Drew, Peter David, Una McCormack, Diane Duane, Terri Osborne, Richard C. White, Linnea Dodson, Steven Savile, Robert T. Jeschonek, Kathleen O. David and Allyn Gibson .