An all-new original Marc Dane novella from James Swallow, the bestselling author of NOMAD, EXILE, GHOST, SHADOW, ROGUE and OUTLAW…
Marc Dane is on a mission to fulfil a request for his employer Ekko Solomon – the elderly Sergei Morozov, once a notorious KGB spymaster and now a retired Hero of the Soviet Union – has died unexpectedly, and Solomon dispatches Marc to pay his respects to this old adversary. But on the streets of Moscow, nothing is as it seems, and Marc quickly finds himself dragged into a deadly scavenger hunt for a prize that could cause chaos in the wrong hands…
Read the chapters of MOSCOW RULES at this link.
I was inspired to write MOSCOW RULES after visiting the International Spy Museum in Washington DC, where I first came across the rules in question on a display. So the story goes, the “Moscow Rules” were an informal set of guidelines developed by CIA agents operating in the Russian capital during the worst days of the Cold War – rules of thumb for surviving in what was the toughest of espionage postings of the modern age. If you’re interested in learning more about the rules and their origins, check out this book.

When I saw the list, inspiration struck – ten rules, ten themes, ten chapters! – and I decided to take Marc Dane on a mission behind the Iron Curtain and into the city where the remnants of the old Soviet Union and the bellicose New Russia collide.
(Moscow Rules infographic by profound_whatever)