- Publisher: Noise Monster
- Available in: CD
The British Empire lives again on the surface of the Red Planet…
In Syrtis Major’s corridors of power, a threat to the British Empire’s dominion over Mars is close to discovery, and Governor-General Sir Henry Routledge faces ruin if it ever comes to light.
In the wilderness of the Thoth Steppes, enemy powers, savage tribesmen and even nature herself bar the way to the wreckage of a lost Ether Flyer, and the secrets it hides.
For Captain Roger St. John Ffolkes, it is a mission he cannot refuse; for the adventuress Georgina Golightly, a journey that will risk all – and for Mars, it is the chance to save a world…
…Or ignite a war!
Everything Jules Verne should have written.
Everything H.G. Wells could have written.
Everything Arthur Conan Doyle thought of, but never published – because it was too fantastic.
Directed by John Ainsworth, starring Simon Williams (Captain Roger St. John-Ffolkes), Ivor Danvers (Sir Henry Routledge), Ian Brooker (Professor Golightly), Jo Castleton (Miss Georgina Golightly), Sam Peter Jackson (Hauptmann Werner Lenz), Toby Longworth (Sergeant Horace Carstairs), Jon Weinberg (Mr. Lucas Tyler), Tam Williams (Prince Skerrun), Robert Curbishley (Captain Archer), Christopher Fletcher (King Daryoon), Katarina Olsson (Miss Charlotte Wong), & Philip Madoc (General Karl Heinz Hagen).
In 1988, games designer Frank Chadwick created the Space: 1889, a ‘steampunk’ science fiction roleplaying game inspired by the works of H.G. Wells, Edgar Rice Burroughs and Jules Verne. Chadwick’s game invented an alternate history where Queen Victoria’s Brittanic Empire stretched through the Ether to the planet of Mars and beyond, carrying the spirit of the Raj and an English Imperial rule to alien worlds.
Reprinted in 2000 by Heliograph Industries, the rich world of Space 1889 entered the realm of audio drama with the launch of Noise Monster Productions and a series of hour-long stories set on the Red Planet and beyond. I was pleased to be invited to write Space 1889‘s second episode, “The Steppes of Thoth“.