“Target Market” is an original military science fiction short story appearing in Space Grunts, the third anthology of the Full-Throttle Space Tales series.
Edited by Dayton Ward, Space Grunts contains 18 hard-hitting tales of soldiers in space, by established and rising-star authors.
Dispatches from the front lines contained in this volume include “Target Market” by James Swallow (in which near-future war is big business, and big ratings!) along with stories by Julie McGalliard, David Boop, Derek Tyler Attico, Jeff D. Jacques, Irene Radford, Selina Rosen, Jean Johnson, Geoffrey Thorne, Scott Pearson, Bradley H. Sinor and Susan P. Sinor, Nayad A. Monroe, Anne Stringer and Jason McDowell, Alan L. Lickiss, Robin Wayne Bailey, John Coffren, Kirsten Beyer and Dayton Ward.
“Target Market” takes place in the same loosely-connected continuity as my short story “Toy Soldier” in the anthology Mech: Age of Steel.