Another busy year….!
Ghost Recon Wildlands: Fallen Ghosts – Out now!
Fallen Ghosts, the new DLC pack for the tactical action shooter videogame Ghost Recon Wildlands is available from today…
I wrote the script for this new storyline, in which the elite special forces unit known as the Ghosts return to the jungles of Bolivia to confront a ruthless band of mercenaries intent on taking over the country…
Check out the trailer above or watch some of the livestream video that accompanied the launch today (and my thanks to producer Benjamin Dumaz for the namecheck and the plug for my novel Nomad!)
The core game will be followed up with a bunch of additional downloadable content, including two new story DLCs, Narco Road and Fallen Ghosts. I spent most of last year working with the team at Ubisoft Montpellier in France writing the mission narrative and scripts for Fallen Ghosts, and I’m pleased to be able to talk about it now it has been officially announced.
I’ve always been a big fan of the Tom Clancy games, and the Ghost Recon series is one I’ve been playing since the very first title released way back in 2001, so it it was very cool for me to participate in the project! Check out the trailer for the DLC and all the other additional content below…
2k16 Games
I got myself a Playstation 4 in 2016, so most of what I gamed was on that platform, although the PC got a workout too as I almost doubled the number of titles I played from the 2015.
Three games I worked on this year – Fractured Space, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and No Man’s Sky – all came out in 2016 and I had a blast with all of them; I also got hands on with the next Ghost Recon title, which I’ve been writing for (more on that in the months ahead!)
I revisited a few familiar virtual worlds in 2016, going back to Destiny and Star Trek Online for the PS4, and my favourite non-digital title was Car Wars: The Card Game. Bests of the year include the excellent puzzle titles Mini Metro, 0rbitalis and Deus Ex GO, and my time-sink award goes to The Division, which kept me in a snowbound NYC for most of the year.
Here’s the full list:
Car Wars: The Card Game; Pandemic; Transistor; Rocket League; The Long Dark; The Logo Board Game; Skyliners; Fractured Space; Purble Place; Warhammer 40,000: Regicide; Batman Fluxx; The Division (PC and PS4 versions); Battleship; Battlefleet Gothic Armada; Mini Metro; Codenames; Ghost Recon Wildlands; Counterspy; Battleborn; Red Bull Air Race: The Game; Destiny: The Dark Below; Mad Max; The Expendabros; Star Wars Battlefront (PS4 version); Tron RUN/r; Doom [2016]; Destiny: House of Wolves; The Division: Underground; 0rbitalis; Ultratron (PS4 version); Deus Ex GO; Battlefield 4 (PS4 version); Battlefield Hardline (PS4 version); Deus Ex Breach; Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (PS4 version); No Man’s Sky; Star Trek Online (PS4 version); Destiny: The Taken King; Drone Racing League Simulator; Transformers: Devestation; Inversus; The Bunker; Invisible, Inc: Console Edition; Hyper Void; Carmageddon Max Damage; Alienation; Hitman; Overwatch Origins Edition; Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End; The Division: Survival.
What I Did In 2016
You Are Hearing Me Talk…to Front Row
This month has seen two big new releases in the video gaming world: the highly anticipated No Man Sky, which promises an infinite, constantly regenerating universe for players to discover, and the latest instalment in the sci-fi blockbuster franchise Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. From an economic perspective, games have outperformed other creative industries for years, and they’re also nurturing the best creative writing talent.