Ah, New York; if there’s a city that deserves to be considered a “thriller”, it’s the Big Apple – and I’ll be walking its streets again next month, partly for some research for a future Marc Dane novel, but mostly because I’m in town to take part in ThrillerFest XIV at the Grand Hyatt Hotel.

I’ve heard great things about Thrillerfest, and as a member of the organizing International Thriller Writers association, I can’t wait to check it out. This year’s event has a brilliant list of attending authors, including such big names as John Sandford, Harlan Coben, Margaret Marbury, Lisa Unger, Stephen Hunter and James Rollins, along with dozens of lectures and panels covering pretty much every aspect of the thriller genre.
I’m appearing twice during the event; firstly, I’m presenting a talk entitled “Widescreen Radio: Writing Thrilling Audio Drama” as part of the CraftFest program, where I’ll be talking about audio stories and the tools a writer needs to make them work.
Secondly, I’m going to be joining an all-star panel of authors (featuring Jaime Levine, Ted Bell, Peter James, Sarah Meuleman, Katherine Neville, Chris Pavone and Thomas Pecora) for “Hola, Hallo or Ciao?”, a discussion of international thrillers.
As well as participating, I’ll also be signing books over the weekend and generally hanging out to soak up the atmos and enthuse about writing – if you’re attending, come over and say hello!
Here’s my full schedule:
Wednesday 10th July (CraftFest)
8.30am – 9.20am – WIDESCREEN RADIO: WRITING FOR AUDIO DRAMA (Broadway Room)
5.00pm – 5.30pm – Book signing (Bookstore)
Thursday 11th July (CraftFest)
9.50am – 10.10am – Book signing (Bookstore)
Friday 12th July (ThrillerFest)
5.30pm – 6.00pm – Book signing (Uris/Julliard Room)
For full details and tickets for Thrillerfest XIV, click Here.