Put out the bunting, crack open the bubbly and have some cake, because jswallow.com is officially…
Thanks to everyone who’s been coming along to check out this site over the past 12 months – I really appreciate your time and attention!
It’s been a busy year, and although we’re all in a bit of a time warp right now because of the current COVID-19 lock-down, things are still moving forward – next month, my new Marc Dane action thriller Rogue arrives, and right now I’m working on a couple of to-be-announced Star Trek tie-in projects… I’ll be talking about all those in the weeks ahead!
Meanwhile, I’m continuing to add new content to this site as time goes on, and I’m looking at not just more Author’s Notes for my existing projects, but other options such as more free-to-download original fiction, an on-line store selling signed books, maybe even a podcast…
You can find information on all of my professional writing career by following the tabs in the top menu – every book, every short story, every script and video game – complete with images, audio clips, trailers and videos.
Interested in my Marc Dane thrillers? A fan of Warhammer 40,000 or The Horus Heresy? Here to learn my about my Star Trek fiction? Click the links to follow!
There’s also a ‘free fiction‘ category, which I’m adding to on a regular basis, plus sample chapters from several of my books and a complete novella in my Marc Dane series – Rough Air.
I’d love to hear your thoughts about the site and any suggestions you might have for future developments – drop me a email: contact AT jswallow DOT com!