I’ve pretty much made it impossible to miss on all my social media that, yes, I have a new release out in the form of the paperback edition of Exile, my second Marc Dane action thriller – and as part of the publicity push, there are going to be poster ads and digital video trailers appearing all around the UK from Tuesday January 2nd.
So, I want offer some swag to folks who are willing to boost the signal for me!
If you catch sight of Exile on sale in a local store, or the print and digital ads, post a video or pictures on your social media accounts and send a link to me on my twitter feed (@jmswallow) with the hashtag #ExilePB.
Everybody who messages me with the hashtag gets put into a prize draw.
The lucky winner will get a signed, personalized copy of Exile and an extra copy of the previous novel Nomad (which you can feel free to give to a pal). In addition, five runners-up will get Exile ebook editions!
The competition begins on Tuesday January 2nd 2018 – the day the video ads will be running in London train stations during rush hour periods – and ends at Midnight on Monday January 8th.